What is content syndication

Content syndication allows you to reach a wider audience with your content. You can raise brand exposure among a bigger group of people by collaborating with content distribution partners, digital publications, or industry influencers. Third-party sites may syndicate the majority of your content in some situations, while in others, they may only publish an excerpt or a condensed version.

Although some people are hesitant to have their information published on other websites, it may be a terrific method to expand your audience. Some marketers are concerned that by publishing their material on another site, they would lose traffic to their own page. However, through reciprocal linking, content syndication raises brand awareness and brings traffic to your website.

One of the numerous benefits of content syndication is that it aids in the authority of your website. One apparent action you can take to increase your website’s authority is to provide quality, relevant, and optimised content, but this can be time-consuming. Content syndication is a method of syndicating your website’s blog content to broaden the reach of your post, potentially increasing traffic to your site.

Google will rank sites with greater authority higher than those without since they are considered more trustworthy. When you get backlinks from a site, you can effectively get portion of their high authority score to go back to your site’s own score. The Authority Score from SEMrush assesses the quality and SEO performance of websites to help you find high-quality content syndication sites.

Why Syndicate your own content?

Content syndication can be thought of as a barter system. The third-party platform gets helpful, free content for its audience. At the same time, the content creator gets exposure to a wider audience. But this exchange system is not new. Even before digital marketing became popular, prominent media outlets published syndicated content on their website from freelancers and smaller publications.

Content syndication meant that the freelancers and smaller publications got recognition for their work, and these big outlets didn’t have to invest in the resources required to publish content.  But why do marketers use content syndication now, after all? The publisher and the content creator do it for a variety of reasons that include getting more website traffic, generating leads, creating backlinks, etc.

Brands who syndicated their content saw a significant increase in product coverage and review volume. When firms selling consumer electronics syndicated their content, they saw a 324 percent increase in reviews and a 26 percent increase in product coverage. However, those aren’t the only advantages of syndicating your material. Some of the other advantages of content syndication.

 Content exposure

Content syndication allows you to reach out to prospects, viewers, and readers who might not have otherwise came across your brand. A simple infographic on an authoritative platform can get your information thousands of more views than simply putting it on your own site. You can also syndicate pieces on that site on a regular basis to attract new viewers to your material. Overall, content syndication improves the exposure of content that you’ve paid for or spent a significant amount of effort developing.

Articles (or parts from them), eBooks, whitepapers, videos, and other types of syndicated content are all options. Syndication helps you establish your status as a thought leader by allowing you to reach more of your company’s audiences through multichannel marketing. For free content distribution, you can leverage social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube), content hubs (inbound, media), or blogs that specialise in posting about comparable topics to yours.

You can also use syndication platforms like Medium, which have a large number of syndicated pieces. Content syndication not only allows more people to follow your brand and content, but it also drives traffic. So your website, social media profiles, and other channels are able to reach a wider audience.

Lead generation

Syndicating content is a quick and easy technique to exhibit thought leadership. Each piece of content that syndicates restricted content can generate tangible cash. Before obtaining their content assets, prospects must fill in their contact information. This syndication-based lead generation technique allows you to acquire the prospect’s information, which you can then utilise to target them and convert them into customers.

When people sign up for eBooks, webinars, or other sorts of material, they’re more interested in the subject than in your product. This person may not be familiar with your brand or service because they have not downloaded material from your website. It’s critical to follow up with your leads promptly, as if you wait too long, they may abandon you.

Link generation

Content syndication sites can publish your articles, movies, and graphics and credit you for it by linking back to it. This helps to improve your website’s SEO, which helps to improve your SERP rankings (Search Engine Results Pages). As a result, your brand’s internet authority will rise. Furthermore, the higher position and syndicated postings might increase the amount of traffic to your website. This has a favourable impact on your SEO and can also help you increase your revenue and sales. Content syndication is another successful technique to reach a larger audience, although it does come with certain hazards. Repeated content is frowned upon by search engines. As a result, when a search engine discovers many pages with the same content.

4 Steps to a Successful Content Syndication Strategy

Although content syndication is tough to deploy, when done effectively, it can help you boost your lead generating efforts. We’ve provided four steps to assist you get started with content syndication or improve your existing approach. Here’s how:

1. Establish Your Goals

Like any marketing campaign, you must start with a goal in mind. Before you start syndication, you should evaluate where you are now, where you want to go, and how content syndication will help you get there. Set a clear, measurable, and attainable goal first, and then get to work.

2. Choose Your Target Audience

Decide who you want to be your customer to determine your target audience. To begin, look at your present customers and analyse their data to see which personas will work best for you.

3. Identify Your Content Unicorn

Any successful marketing effort is built on content. Look through your content chest for your unicorn, or highest-quality content item at the top of the funnel. This should be a piece of content that is both intrinsically useful and has proved to be effective with your target audience. These are the qualities that will entice potential customers to provide you with their contact information.

4. Measure and Analyze

Keep track of your content syndication efforts’ outcomes. Measure the cost, quantity, and quality of your leads, as well as website traffic. Examine how your new leads or subscribers meet your expectations and go through the funnel, as well as which platform works best for them and how well your content succeeds with them. This will also help you improve low-performing indicators in your marketing initiatives.


In conclusion, while there are many factors that can be taken into account when it comes to reaching a wider audience with your content, it is important that your online content is syndicated on the appropriate websites and in the appropriate manner. Without these conditions in place, you won’t be able to benefit from the various benefits of content syndication, and you may end up losing more money than you gain.